Make your voice heard! Please join Recovery Café on Thursday, November 5th in attending the King County Mental Health and Substance Abuse Legislative Forum. We will meet at Recovery Café at 5pm and walk over to Town Hall (1119 Eighth Avenue) together. We will have free Recovery Café t-shirts to show our support and make our presence known. We welcome all Members, volunteers, and friends of the Café to join us!
This annual public forum addresses key legislative priorities for the upcoming year, as well as current innovations and outcomes in behavioral healthcare in the communities of King County. Speakers include King County Executive Dow Constantine and Jim Vollendroff, King County’s Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Director. People in recovery from mental illness and substance abuse will share their compelling stories. State and federal legislators as well as county councilmembers will also share their perspectives and priorities.
To learn more about the Forum, click here.