Recovery Café presents at National Conferences

img_2198In partnership with SAMHSA, Altarum Institute and Washington State, Recovery Café engaged Dr. David Fetterman ( to do a more thorough analysis of our data collection and program evaluation methods. While we know that Recovery Café’s holistic cohort of services is effective, we want to be able to better quantify the results of our work.

This months-long process of self-evaluation, included Cafe members, community volunteers, staff, board members, and partner agencies.  img_2193As a result of the initial two phases of this process Recovery Café was invited to present at  the American Evaluation Association 2016 Conference held in Atlanta, GA October 24-29th as well as the American Public Health Association 2016 Conference held in Denver, CO October 29th-November 2nd.

These presentations were a great opportunity to share with the larger community about Recovery Café and hopefully plant seeds for other communities to consider replicating our model. We will be doing a third and fourth phase of analysis with Dr. Fetterman and are img_0054excited to see what will continue to come from this endeavor. As always we are grateful for visionary investors like you and SAMHSA for investing in this healing work both to serve people on a daily basis as well as to promote system wide national change.