Congratulations Victor!

sig16_-55-1024x683Recovery Café was honored to have both Jim Vollendroff and King County Council Member Jeanne Kohl-Welles at our recent Standing in the Gap Friend and Fundraising breakfast.   A longtime Member of the Café, Victor was the co-emcee.  We have shared a little bit of his story with King County in year’s past.  We also recently nominated him to be a speaker for King County’s Legislative Forum in December.

We thought you might appreciate an update he shared with our almost 700 guests.

Hello again everyone! I am grateful for the Café’s presence in my life since 2012.  I have been a Member, a circle facilitator, recovery coach and I am close to finishing my Masters at Seattle University!  

Recovery Café has been a foundation for me in my journey of recovery and healing.

I would like to ask everyone here to keep your fingers crossed for me I’m interviewing later today for an Executive Director position.   

Victor shared this on September 22nd and we are THRILLED to share an email that Victor sent to Recovery Café’s Executive Director:

Dear friends, colleagues and mentors, 

Much gratitude for your support and for those of you who were contacted by Jewel (ICS board member) and took the time to advocate on my behalf. She said “your references really really like you”!  Trust me, the feeling is mutual. 

I am delighted to announce to you that the hiring committee has offered me the executive director position at Immanuel Community Services. An official announcement will be made in a few weeks after their board meeting and the contract is signed. I’m slated to begin November 1.

I am very humbled and honored to be given this opportunity. My personal and professional life is coming full circle. I have a big job ahead of me, and I will approach it with one foot raised and one foot forward, 

Today I show up for life. I engage in life. I remain teachable.

